sexta-feira, 30 de outubro de 2009


This study aims at analyzing how the frequent evaluative discourse of the teacher subject

affects the constitution of the student’s identity, taking into account that the latter

builds up his/her identity through the eyes of the other or others. In order to do so, it’s

necessary to track down the threads which weave the teacher’s talking, by paying attention

to the interdiscursive relation responsible for building up effects of truth within this talking.

The current research is based on the interface among the French Theory of Discourse

Analysis, some Psychoanalysis concepts and Deconstructionist reflections. The corpus of

this study was collected in a private Binational Center, during different situations and

contexts. The analysis of the discursive events unveiled the heterogeneity of subjects and

discourses, allowing a better understanding of the identity constitution of the subject

involved in the process of teaching and learning a second language, specially the student’s

identity through his/her representations and identification with the discourse of the other

(teacher). Through the evaluative discourse, the teacher’s look toward the students

functions as a constant judgment. The formal assessment or test ends up working as a

legitimate sentence of the teacher’s discourse, which anticipates the success or failure of the

student toward the process in which he/she is involved. As a result, the apprentice-subject

incorporates the teacher’s talking by identifying himself/herself with such talking and

assuming the images sent by the eyes of the subject who is supposed to know everything.

Moreover, the utterances formulated by English learners and teachers exposed the

contradiction between what the subject is and what he/she should become, according to

some patterns considered as ideal.

Key-words: 1. Teaching-Learning; 2.English language; 3. Interdiscourse; 4. Identity; 5. Discourse


Author: Cavallari, Juliana Santana

Tittle:O discurso avaliador do sujeito-professor na constituição do sujeito-aluno