Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.
Welcome. I am writing this blog to pay reverence to my classmates. I hope you enjoy it.
This study aims at analyzing how the frequent evaluative discourse of the teacher subject
affects the constitution of the student’s identity, taking into account that the latter
builds up his/her identity through the eyes of the other or others. In order to do so, it’s
necessary to track down the threads which weave the teacher’s talking, by paying attention
to the interdiscursive relation responsible for building up effects of truth within this talking.
The current research is based on the interface among the French Theory of Discourse
Analysis, some Psychoanalysis concepts and Deconstructionist reflections. The corpus of
this study was collected in a private
contexts. The analysis of the discursive events unveiled the heterogeneity of subjects and
discourses, allowing a better understanding of the identity constitution of the subject
involved in the process of teaching and learning a second language, specially the student’s
identity through his/her representations and identification with the discourse of the other
(teacher). Through the evaluative discourse, the teacher’s look toward the students
functions as a constant judgment. The formal assessment or test ends up working as a
legitimate sentence of the teacher’s discourse, which anticipates the success or failure of the
student toward the process in which he/she is involved. As a result, the apprentice-subject
incorporates the teacher’s talking by identifying himself/herself with such talking and
assuming the images sent by the eyes of the subject who is supposed to know everything.
Moreover, the utterances formulated by English learners and teachers exposed the
contradiction between what the subject is and what he/she should become, according to
some patterns considered as ideal.
Key-words: 1. Teaching-Learning; 2.English language; 3. Interdiscourse; 4. Identity; 5.
Author: Cavallari, Juliana Santana
Tittle:O discurso avaliador do sujeito-professor na constituição do sujeito-aluno
Complaining about his life, the young man Mark was sitting in the couch of his house, looking outside and sighing. Suddenly he heard the bell ringing. “Unfortunately, he had visitors”, he thought. His mother answered the door; the visitors were the couple Gya and Charlie. They brought a beautiful girl together with them, the lovely Cindy. This young lady had the most beautiful eyes that Mark has ever seen. They were blue and splendid. Mark fell in love with this girl at first sight.
It was almost dinner time, so they all went to the kitchen and waited to be served. The young man, who was really depressed, started to look at Cindy’s eyes non-stop. His body started to shiver and he was really hot. Suddenly he penetrated into Cindy’s eye, traveling in an amazing trip. It was really unbelievable, there is not an explanation to describe this voyage. Cindy’s eye attracted him to a strange place, through this crazy enchantment. During the trip, he fainted. Mark woke up one day later.
Mark got up in a strange spot. He noticed this place was chaotic and insane. The time in this dimension passed three thousand and sixty hundred times (3600) faster than in the earth. The sun rotated too fast, so He couldn’t see the night. Creatures were born and died almost at the same time. Mark couldn’t talk to anyone, because he couldn’t follow the velocity of this dimension. People move too fast and he was getting older and older. Mark was very tormented, considering that he has never seen anything like that. Actually, he couldn’t do anything, but watching his old age coming. After seven days in this inexplicable spot, he died.
He woke up when his mother was calling him at the table. It was dinner time. His mother was worried and she asked him what happened. He was asleep. The trip only took 2 minutes in reality. Everybody was staring at him. He couldn’t explain anything, he was really terrified. So they forget it and started to eat, since they all were friends and they wanted to talk about their lives.
After the dinner, Mark called Cindy to talk in private. He really wanted to tell her what happened. So Mark said:
- Cindy, I would like to say…
Cindy interrupted him:
- I know what happened to you.
Frightened, Mark asked:
- Do you really know what happened? But…
Cindy interrupted him again:
- Yes I know. I just wanted to show you, through this enchantment, how valuable is the time. We can not waste our time, because it is really precious.
Mark said:
- But……..
Cindy conclude:
- No buts, Mark. Don’t waste your time. Just kiss me!
(A tale by Matheus P.)